
by AnneMarie
(Mission bc Canada)

playing in the mud

playing in the mud

I love my boy!!

When he was 4 my friend brought in from Taipei Taiwan. She felt it was not the right place for him and knew I love Labs.

He was fat, and lazy, and couldn't even swim. He had never been in long grass or been off leash.
After being *told* how things work by my female labx, he enjoyed the lowest position on the totem to the cat and labx. The cat used to eat a piece of his kibble from the dish right before Hsiaopan could start eating.lol

He has had many near death experiences, too many to tell, thank god for insurance.
He's staring at me right now! He is 14.9 has limited mobility but still enjoys his walks and swims, and of course his food. He used to be an expert food stealer, a friend of mine compared him to ChrisANgel mind freak.

He would never hurt a fly, and just about anyone or anything could climb on top of him and I have the photos to prove it!

In fact I am going to find it very hard to choose just one pic.

I love him so much!

Cheers to the best dog in the world.


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