Welcome to the latest edition of the Labrador Review
We’ve had a makeover!
We all like a change now and again so we decided it was about time that we gave the website a lick of paint and a new look.
Hopefully you will like the new colours and graphics. The new layout has also enabled us to include a rogues gallery featuring some of the photos our readers have sent us of their own dogs.
If you haven’t had a peek at the new look site yet please swing by soon and let us know what you think.
Our new look
Readers Labs
Thank you to everyone who has shared with us photos and stories of their Labradors. Seeing and hearing about these dogs is a real joy. If you would like to show your lab to the world please follow
this link.
We had a great response to our last newsletter and have received lots of lovely emails. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to write to us. We are always delighted to receive your comments, thoughts and opinions.
In response to some of the emails we have received we’ve set up a new section on the website called ‘SOAPBOX.’ This is basically an area for chat, for letting everyone know your opinions and as helping point for any of our readers who may need advice or help with their dogs.
You can see the new page here
On the soapbox at the moment is a very interesting email from Linda in the UK on the subject of hip dysplasia and hip scoring as well as a few other things. See what Linda thinks here and please feel free to join in the discussion.
Also on the soapbox is a plea for help from Janis who is experiencing some behavioural problems with her dog Baxter. If anyone has any advice or comments you can see Baxter’s story here
Oliver’s Story
We enjoy reading real life stories of owners and their Labs and Christine got in touch to say:
“I thought you might be interested in Oliver, our Labrador's against all odds story. It has a happy ending! We work closely with Labrador Rescue and it has been published in Labradors Worldwide, Dogs Monthly and Lab Rescue.”
Intrigued? Read Olivers story here here
Recent Updates To The Website
We are trying to add at least one article or page to the site every week and the latest include:
(NB: If have opted to receive the non-HTML version of the newsletter you may need to copy and paste the link into your browser)
Readers Labs:
Moses Marley
and the wonderful Rufus whose photo never fails to make me smile.
And Finally
Many thanks for reading and continuing to support our website
Craig & Lynn
Contact us by email