Choose Labrador Names

Choosing Labrador names can be a tricky business.

Sometimes you will hold a puppy and a name will instantly pop into your head. On the other hand it isn’t unusual for a puppy to go through its first few months of life being referred to simply as ‘Oi’ or ‘Dog’ as the owner struggles to come up with an appropriate handle for his or her new companion.

In this section of the site we have a selection of articles looking at choosing names and how to choose the right handle for your dog.

At this point I suppose I had better reveal that my two Labs at home are called Whiskey and Pippa Fourpaws so you may have an opinion as to whether I’m qualified to write about dogs names or not!

What Not To Call Your Dog

When thinking about Labrador names it is always best to avoid anything that sounds like a command. Remember that Labrador Retrievers, like any other dog, pick up on sounds rather than exact words.

Jo, Bow and no are indistinguishable to a canines ears so calling your dog Jo will only cause absolute confusion. Similarly, Peg is too much like ‘beg’ and Rum is the same as ‘come’.

The easier it is for your dog to distinguish his name from commands or common words the better.

Keep It Short?

Most experts agree that short, snappy names of only one or two syllables are ideal – advice I completely ignored when calling my Lab Pippa Fourpaws! I must say she responds perfectly when I call her name but, in general, shorter names with hard sounds are probably the best option.

Keep It Sweet!

When thinking about names for your dog it is quite easy to overlook a simple but very relevant fact. You are going to have to shout the name you choose in public!

That name which sounds funny in the privacy of your own home may not be quite as funny when you need to call it out loud in public. If you are going to be embarrassed to shout a name whilst out exercising your dog it really defeats the object of naming the dog in the first place!


Labrador names should satisfy three criteria:

1) Avoid a name that sounds like a command

2) Short names of one or two syllables are generally the best

3) Make sure you pick a name you are comfortable calling in public

Related Articles 

Labrador Names And How To Choose One 

Popular Dog Names 

Choosing Female Dog Names 

Picking Boy Dog Names 

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